Shanghai Kid , tryptic 70x150cm, acrylic on wood panel

I drink something strange, it tastes good

I don't care about the price of happiness

I keep drinking-drinking-something-strange

it's hot as if it were today

and I think maybe it is today

as I swing my clumsy arms

among hundreds of sunny blocks;

trains go by, dodge me

it's all too hard for them,

they keep rattling fast, silent

swimming in a dream of worn out colors.


I think I'm getting my bearings,

I can still see the star shot to God, I say to myself.

tasting every gasp like a last breath

 as I try to move with poise

among sixty kilos of purity

that just started this Monday

                        for the first time.

It's good to look for something forbidden when it's hot,

the sky all around, buildings that play with the sun

while we let the world go on without us

and I say to myself, let's get on with it

I say to myself, let's play

maybe it's today,

maybe it's today. 

-----------------------------------------// Orignal version below //

Bebo algo extraño, sabe bien

no me importa el precio de la felicidad

sigo bebiendo-bebiendo-algo-extraño

hace calor como si fuera hoy

y pienso que quizás sea hoy

mientras balanceo mis torpes brazos

entre cientos de manzanas soleadas;

pasan trenes, me esquivan

es todo demasiado difícil para ellos,

siguen traqueteando rápidos, silenciosos

nadando en un sueño de colores gastados.


Creo que estoy consiguiendo orientarme,

aún se ve la estrella disparada a Dios, me digo

 saboreando cada jadeo como un último aliento

 mientras intento moverme con prestancia

entre sesenta kilos de pureza

que recién empiezan este lunes

                        por primera vez.

Es bueno buscar algo prohibido cuando hace calor,

el cielo alrededor, edificios que juegan con el sol

mientras dejamos que el mundo siga sin nosotros

y me digo, sigamos con esto

me digo, juguemos

puede que sea hoy,

quizás sea hoy.

*This poem, with some minor changes and a different title, appeared for the first time in my first book Resistir al presente ("Resisting the present") Ed. Littera Libros 2007


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